Siobhan Dunphy

Assistant National Director, Strategic Sourcing and Contracting for Procurement, HSE

The HSE provides all of Ireland’s public health services in hospitals and communities across the country and is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the State. With over 30 years of experience in the Health Sector, Siobhan has worked across both community and acute hospital services and is leading an ambitious programme of work for HSE Procurement with a €5.2bn annual spend.

Siobhan was previously responsible for managing a multi-million euro portfolio of expenditure incorporating Facilities Management across the health sector. Having a keen interest in change management and transformation, she progressed change across a range of function areas including introducing new technologies and the integration of business functions following the rationalisation of activities in the Health Sector. She was also responsible for developing the model to implement “One Voice” for the health strategy, designed to reduce costs and achieve better value for money while maintaining excellent service for the public sector.

A firm advocate for digital innovation, Siobhan set up and implemented a new portfolio of digital health and innovation within strategic sourcing and contracting, as part of the suite of portfolios for HSE-led categories, signifying the importance of driving digital transformation within the HSE. She also holds a strong passion for sustainability and is committed to promoting environmentally responsible practices in procurement processes. Siobhan places significant value on the power of collaboration and fosters strong partnerships with internal and external stakeholders such as engagement with suppliers, trade organisations and HSE funded agencies.

As Assistant National Director within HSE Procurement, Siobhan is part of the procurement leadership team. She is committed to enhancing procurement services, delivering greater value for money, driving improved compliance with procurement regulations and enhancing the ongoing transformation of the health service to support the successful realisation of the Sláintecare vision.

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