STREAM 1: The Future of Aged Care
Welcome from the Chair
Audrey Carville
Journalist and Broadcaster, host of Radio 1’s Morning Ireland
Are we ready to face up to the impact of our ageing population: A vision for a better aged care system
The Inspector General of Aged Care is a new independent body in Australia tasked with overseeing the administration, regulation and funding of the aged care system. What can Ireland learn from Australia’s key advocate and leader in aged care, Ian Yates, as he reflects on over 30 years in the sector and sets out a vision for the systemic changes that will produce a better aged care system.
Ian Yates AM
Acting Inspector-General of Aged Care, Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care, Former CEO, Council on the Ageing Australia (COTA)
UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge
UK Research and Innovation’s Healthy Ageing Challenge launched in 2019 has a mission to ensure that the ageing population remains active, productive, independent and socially connected across the generations for as long as possible. We’ll hear about their mission to transform the lives of millions within a decade.
George MacGinnis
Challenge Director, UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge
What are the keys to creating innovative and integrated care services as we age?
The design of the next generation of aged care services needs to respond to the demand for different types of care, diversity of options and the strong preference people have for remaining in their own home and community.
- Overcoming the challenges to change and reform in aged care
- Regulation that enables and promotes delivery of quality aged care experiences
- Creating a consumer focused, high quality aged care system
- Care in the right environment: Enabling timely discharge from hospital, technologies, and services for recovery and aging well in the most appropriate setting: How do we work to develop solutions?
- How will the sector recruit, retain and upskill the workforce of the future to meet the needs of our ageing population
Shane Williamson
Business Development Manager, Clanwilliam Health
Anthony Staines
Professor of Health Systems, Principal Investigator GerOnTe Project, Dublin City University
Joseph Musgrave
CEO, HCCI – Home & Community Care Ireland
Dr Emer Ahern
National Clinical Advisor & Group Lead Older Persons, HSE
Anticipatory care in 2024: New models for prediction and their application in Ireland
Matthew Cooke
former A&E physician, former National Director, NHS 111, UK
How can Irish policymakers approach the challenges of our ageing population?
- What tangible changes can we make now that will improve the lives of those living longer, and potentially with major illness
- Collaborating to improve health and social care and promote healthy ageing
- Perspectives of our homes and communities as we age
- Innovating within aged care, combatting digital exclusion
- Innovative interventions for community health and wellbeing
- Population ageing and the public finances: Modelling the impact of demographic and policy change
Sheelagh Connolly
Senior Researcher, ESRI
Catherine McGuigan
Chief Officer, Age Friendly Ireland, Meath County Council
Rodd Bond
Director, Netwell CASALA at Dundalk Institute of Technology
Mervyn Taylor
CEO, Sage Advocacy, the national advocacy service for older people